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Month: June 2018

Rest- Zorobabel

Good morning! When I wrote Rest I felt the need to express the incredible discovery that "It's Okay". Being human is okay. Peace is hard to find and something we all crave. Peace from the inside of us.  Peace has to come from a truth that our insides know to be. That is the foundation to the lyrics that I wrote for Rest. Peace from within. Freedom to choose. It is a special thing that we have as...
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Buried Treasure

Good morning! How is your day going? I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep as I was thinking about the lyrics and song I put to my most recent collaboration . The concept of regret and the path we take. How if we could see it before hand how would we make different choices in life. As I am thinking of these lyrics and how they correspond with inevitable suffering that life hands each one...
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Sunny Skies Lullaby’s!

Good beautiful day to you! It is so wonderful weather right now! I hope you are experiencing Sunny Skies that smile sweetly upon you! Just wanted to update you and let you know that I have finished a few new songs and we are in the midst of the creation of once nothingness coming to life! So happy to be able to move these new songs along! As I said previously I am looking forward to expressing...
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Music and Mystery

Good day to you! Thank you so much for hanging out with me here! So much on the go and that feels really great I must say! I really wanted to check in with you though and say Hello! I am in the middle of writing on a collaboration I am working on. As I was thinking about the topic, being a deep one, one that we all go through on our journey, I didn't want to just write it to finish. I wanted to...
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