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Music and Mystery

Music and Mystery

Good day to you! Thank you so much for hanging out with me here! So much on the go and that feels really great I must say! I really wanted to check in with you though and say Hello!

I am in the middle of writing on a collaboration I am working on. As I was thinking about the topic, being a deep one, one that we all go through on our journey, I didn’t want to just write it to finish. I wanted to dig a bit deeper and think about it . So many dimensions are weaving in and out of our journey, you and me..surface and internal, how our path and the road we walk determines how the good and bad of life that we all face is weaved for either our good or our detriment. And so I have been reflecting as well on my own journey…on sad situations I see all around me.

Music is more than a tune I am finding. It has always come easily to me, but I am realizing what a beautiful and precious gift I am holding in my hands. One that takes me from a scoop of dirt in the ground to raise a tune to high place for all to hear. And so I am so very grateful for this gift and how the journey I am on has only given my gift the depth the polish it needs to make  something really beautiful and worthy of you.

I hope this day finds You well and I look forward to the future and all of the wonderful creations ahead!

Have an awesome weekend!

for now

Rachel :-)!

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