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Year: 2019

2020 and More!

Hello! Good day to yOu! I hope your Holidays are finding you time to think and look forward to a New Year ahead! I am looking forward to this coming year as I feel more organized with my time and wish to get more songs written! There is so much to explore and I am feeling the creative vibes ready to invent!! I am so thankful for all of the ups and downs this last year has taken me and all that...
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Jolly Holidayssss

Good afternoon to YOU! I hope you are finding your pace in this month of busy and merry making! All of the sparkling lights and festive music and the feeling one gets when they share goods and treats with loved ones is a special time for sure. That said, sometimes the Holiday rush and family tree full of memories stirs up old sensitivites and echoes creeks in the floors of family life. Perhaps...
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See YOU See Me!

The room was lined with wood paneling and rock work walls. A cozy affair that made one feel like staying for a while. We all gathered there, for something. Each one of us carrying our hope in our hands. The neighborly venue offered food, wine, and friends. The old piano sitting in a lonely spot was moved onto the stage. "Dust it off!" They chimed as the wheels turned the wooden music machine in...
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Giggin at the Red Crow!

Good beautiful day to YOU! Wow! It is cold outside but my heart is warmed with the sunlight as it creates little diamonds from the bits of snow I see out my frosty window!! Just wanted to let you know I will be performing tonight at the Red Crow! I will play originals and also some Christmas tunes !! Hope to see yOu there! Have a wonderful weekend! for now Rachel :-)
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The Core of Music

Good morning! Lately, I have heard some new music that has been created using mostly technology. It was good! Very creative! That said the muse of music has special value that is what really makes music stand out and reach us to the core. That inner voice, that transcends this world into farther dimensions beyond what we can even begin to see. The music that reaches our soul and comes from the...
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