Sun in My Eyes
When I wrote ‘STEP INTO THE SUN’ it was a beautiful summers day! The band was coming over, I was making something delicious for dinner and the world seemed full of promise! We were carefree, and just loving to be together and play music!
Michael was single at the time and so was Ray, so it was easy to get together as a team and just immerse ourselves in the music.
But just as storm clouds move in, and atmospheres change swirling clouds and energy speak to us of stormy weather ahead.
The Northern Hemisphere relaying to us the signs of unrest and hatred as clouds that blind the peak of a mountain top.
In blindness we follow what we do not know. Like a mass hypnosis, believing we can build castles to the sky, on sandy beaches.
But like my song, PICTURES, hope is forever there for us, “If love is the glass that you pour” and truly, the Son does shine.
I am very excited as I have been writing new songs, anticipating recording again soon!
We have so many ideas and are looking forward to the next page of the journey, as the book is not finished and the story unfolds!!! (can you hear the page crackling??)
I love you with my songs, they are for yOu. People are the beauty of living, the experience to keep.
Lots of love to YOU!!
Looks like a Sunny day!
for now
Rachel 🙂