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Month: March 2023

Spring Gently Settles!

Oh! Good day to YOU!! As I was driving this morning, the birds are all arriving, (no suitcases) I guess that is where "He who travels lightly travels far" comes from?! From Swans, to ducks and all the little ones in between. Settling in for the new beginnings that Spring brings! So beautiful ! I am also looking forward to new beginnings, I have songs that I have written and songs to explore! So...
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Sun in My Eyes

When I wrote 'STEP INTO THE SUN' it was a beautiful summers day! The band was coming over, I was making something delicious for dinner and the world seemed full of promise! We were carefree, and just loving to be together and play music! Michael was single at the time and so was Ray, so it was easy to get together as a team and just immerse ourselves in the music. But just as storm clouds move...
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