Movies & Film and Imagination
Good morning to you:-) I sit here in the frosty morn and look out onto peace, yet am saddened by the news
of suffering I hear. I want you to know my prayers are with you. That is for sure. Seems the ebb and flow of life
brings us to great heights as well the forces of good and evil dance a dance of time.
For me the news is good news this day. We have completed and copy written a new movie script that I am so excited to be involved in. The writer, David Noble approached me one day and said that my music inspired him to write into the wee hours of the night, this new script! I am honored that my music can inspire and create something good. This is the joy of it all. Spreading good vibes:-)
So soon I am going to be working on the music for the movie! I am working today to finish a few unfinished songs. 🙂
Also new videos ahead!
I really hope this day finds you well.
Love will always be. 🙂
Have a beautiful day:-)
Much MORE to come!!!
for now
Rachel 🙂