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I’ll Take a Peace of That!

I’ll Take a Peace of That!

Good evening! I hope this day finds you well:-)

Everyday I see how the World is forming, like a ball, turning of events, transforming with the motion set in place to create a thought of one. I would think of this, it seems to come from such a noble idea. Peace on Earth, Good will towards mankind. Who doesn’t want this?? But peace is something that should not come with strings attached.

Is peace more important than one’s soul. More important than unique discovery, a voice, thoughts all your own.

Peace is a powerful movement but at what cost? I would want peace from within, eternal, something that lasts beyond time. Time well this is the temporary. Our stories to be all played out on the world’s stage or under a waterfall, should you be a flower.

Once upon a time a disillusioned young man wanted to find his peace of mind.

He travelled the world, studied the stars, bought and sold, and still his restless soul was full of anxiety…until one day a clever man offered him peace. “I will give you peace, if you will give me your soul.” The stranger gleamed with an unfamiliar light. So desperate by now, and everyone was talking about this dark stranger, how he offered peace. So the young man exchanged his soul, but alas, the peace was not there! The stranger took off his dark cloak and pulled out a sword and slayed the desperate young man to a saddened death. The dark stranger laughed out loud at the simpleton, how he was so easily lead. If only he had waited, for the second stranger to come along! He too was on the road and if only the young man had taken a moment to listen to the wind, to the birds, to nature as it called. For the second stranger was a kind and gentle King, and His peace would last. Will last. Shall be.

Peace is more than a sign, or word, but a future beyond time….

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