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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Good afternoon ! I want to take a minuet to say Happy Easter to you!

The winds pick up and whirl around us, as so to the energy that I feel. Good and bad whirling at such a time of new beginnings… a time of Spring and the hope that it brings 🙂 Holiday’s can be a time for relaxing or reflecting.

I am looking forward to reaching some of my new projects…finding them complete and able to share them with you. Also I am reflecting on love and it’s strength and how much we all need it.

How love lasts…and always will.

I wish you a happy Easter! and May this year be a change in weather for the good!

Love and many new songs ahead!

for now!

Rachel 🙂

“His eyes so kind..deep well of love seen by the blind…Do we really understand…” (Have You Seen This Man/ Sent) :-)!

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