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Month: February 2021

Flowers Blowin in the Wind

Good afternoon! I hope you are possibly tucked in from the snowy weather or possibly on some great beach somewhere with a 2.00 meal...! I am here in the snowy weather staying warm and in a cozy mood! I picked up my guitar this morn and played by the fire and it felt so nice. I played some of my older tunes. I have recently written some new songs that we are in the middle of producing! I was...
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LOVE is In the Air!

Just when all seemed weary The road oh far too long The daytimes only dreary And heart beats all gone wrong The couple lay their heads so low And thought the day was done When deep inside and full LOVE sprang! LOVE sprung ! Love JUMPED with JOY LOVE here! and There! For EVERYONE! Happy Valentines Day!! I wish you LOVE! ps. I dedicate my song, LOVE ON THE ROAD to yOu! It's HERE! On my website!...
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Midnight Melody

It was a calm night, not a bright night Where winds do blow and covers held tight But up into the darkened hallway Stumble through to find it anyway There my instrument sits strong and still And there I play and play my fill And feel the music fill the air I breathe a sigh, That moment , there and all is well.
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