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Month: December 2020

Merry Christmas to YOU!

May this day bring you peace, and joy, when happiness may not find you May this day warm your heart Like a warm winter's fire on a cold and snowy day May this day bless your inner spirit with love and peace And may Good will towards men be our every day in 2021! Lots of love to you and yours! for now Rachel :-) ps! please enjoy the Christmas music on the website, there for YOU!
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It’s in the Jeans

Good morning:-) I have found it so fascinating to find out where our family lines come from, what makes us who we are, why we are so motivated to do the things we do! How everyone's DNA is made especially for them! Our stories and the lives we live the way we use what we have is so important. Everyone of us has potential and a story to live out. Perhaps a blueprint written before time, before...
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