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Month: September 2022

Just Gotta Be Me…!

Good evening! Today was a beautiful fall day, Sunny and warm, and a day to enjoy! That said, recently, I have made a major decision and let go of my paying job, to work fully on my music! Sure! Yes, totally sure! I feel it is time to be creative and follow the muse within. To create and trust. I am so happy about this decision, I feel so free and in my place!! I am very excited about moving...
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On a Musical Note……

And the climb, so steep, so weary and blue And the rocks up ahead, OH! Who knew..?? Round the bend, through the thicket Really aren't there tickets? Down the gully past the trees OH! Watch out for the bees! Is it here? Is it there? Is it anywhere....?? OH LOOK! Not far behind....Oh find A path! kind.... Tunes ahead!! LOVE to YOU! Rachel :-)
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Flow So Freely….

So love was strong..felt by the song And all the people gathered round And far and wide.... the lookers on Wondered at the time But just as all was said to be Suddenly an unexpected moment see, And just as wonderful events foreseen The moment snatched from reckless seas Just like that, the song was changed And all around the moment too For all the good that could be seen Was taken to a dream....
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