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Month: August 2020

Songs for 2020!

Good morning! On this path, this journey, whether anyone notices or not, you have a way A Way through each day, and not only through but a way to be able to enjoy the journey! So many times we are so consumed with lies and negative news but truth be told, we have a way! I call it the HighWay! When I wrote the lyrics for the song "Hurry", I collaborated on with Babacar, that was the story of that...
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Momentum and Monday’s!

Good morning! I's Tuesday, not Monday, but I have to tell you it was a great Music Monday yesterday! And now, well it's Tuesday, Today! All that to say, inspiration is fueling me with so much desire to create and complete these new songs waiting for you! It feels really wonderful to be true to my gifts and the fountain pours full of new waters, new inspiration, new songs. I thank you...
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Whoa!! Have to keep Up with Myself!!

Good morning to YOU! On this overcast, slightly rainy day I am happy to say I will be emerced in tune making!! That is lyrics. I have lately been having a writing streak! Songs coming, sometimes at the weee hours of the morning!! I look forward to feeling the vibes of some good tunes!! Looking forward! Have a beautiful day! for now Rachel :-)
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New Ideas for a New Day!

Good afternoon to yOu! It has been really exciting to start changing my website and offering more items for you! Very soon I will also add new music that we have just finished not too long ago. I am looking forward to being creative and exploring many ideas with you in the future. Everyday is made for a purpose that takes an exploration to discover. Lots to look forward too! for now Rachel :-)
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