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Good evening! I wanted to share my day with you:-)  As the rain falls on the cold hard ground I have been getting a set of my new tunes in order and practising them. I am getting them ready to not only perform live but also to try my hand at video. 🙂  We are also putting one of my instrumentals to video…and hope to get that up soon.  In so many areas of my journey lately I have been cutting new teeth so to speak and stepping out in faith. At first it all feels surreal and one has to focus and not allow doubt to interrupt the day. Ideas take more than faith, they take a great deal of follow through. “Riding the Bike” in a matter of speaking. It may feel at first like your idea is a wandering ride, but as each day passes and the job is done, finally the destination begins to appear. This has been a really stretching time for me and oh so valuable as I have grown and developed new “muscles” from the journey. I’ve also learned how important it is to give people the time they need. Sometimes burdens appear at seemingly untimely moments, but when I have had faith to love people and trust that this is the best path, and that the path finds its place in time…! Anywho!! Just had to say a great Hello to you and know that I value your time with me! Have a beautiful weekend!

for now, Rachel 🙂

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