Good evening! I am so excited as we have just finished the mix-down ect of one of my new tunes!! I can't wait to share it with you! Yawwhhnnn okay, time for bed! for now Rachel!
Twas a day and half long before a minnie little man made his way into a small tavern. He had his potion in hand, turned it now and again, as if to prepare his thoughts. "Come round and sit and I shall show one, and then another a new fangled cure." The locals sitting in their corners stopped in mid sentence to make room as minnie little man pulled a chair to the floor. He looked so sure of...
Good mid morn to YOU! Just wanted to let you know that the recordings are going beautifully! Sound is a vast topic! Also, just wanted to let you know we will do a new photo shoot soon enough! So many wonderful moments to look forward too! I hope you are very well and that your day is special! :-) for now Rachel !
His feet ached and his heart was sore it seemed from a broken sprocket He had fallen and gotten up, Sadly, lost his Locket Through the dark and hovering trees Did Little Big probe Til he found himself a castle A Castle made of Gold Through weary eyes and cold dank hands He wandered in From far away lands He focused his eyes and they fell on a hearth Warm and crackling, heat and cooking...
Good evening! I just have to tell you how incredible it feels as an artist to work with such beautiful sound! We have been recording and I am so inspired! Anyways, just had to let YOU know! For days of wonder For days in tune For simple treasures Joy bursts bloom! Have a great week! for now Rachel :-)